CIBO MATTO Cibo Matto's Japanese-born musicians Yuka Honda and Miho Hatori emerged out of the New York underground "noise" scene. They first got together in 1994 as members of the band Leitoh Lychee and when that group broke up, they formed their current act--an Italian phrase meaning "food madness"--which melds hip-hop rhythms, tape loops, funk, metal, and countless other bizarre aesthetics. The group's Warner Bros. debut Viva! La Woman gained the kind of acclaim that landed the girls a gig on "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," which helped to broaden their mainstream appeal. The current CD, Stereotype A, offers up another heady mix of crazy styles and genres that defies description. LAUNCH's Lyndsey Parker interviewed Honda during the South By Southwest Music Conference in Austin, Tex. Later that night, our crew shot this incredible live performance, featuring rapper Earth Threat. The band also includes Honda's boyfriend, bassist Sean Lennon. Sample a little of this "Sci-Fi Wasabi" and you'll never be the same.